The Coronavirus pandemic has affected nearly every aspect of our lives - including how we approach RV vacations. It's possible to safely visit an RV campground, but your family will need to practice social distancing from others.

Keep reading for family activities to enjoy while social distancing. If you want more travel advice or want to shop campers for sale, contact Airstream of Utah. Our dealership is based in Salt Lake City, Utah, and we also serve those in Park City and Provo.

Social Distancing 101

Before we dive into the available adventures, it's helpful to briefly discuss social distancing. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends everyone leaves at least six feet between themselves and those outside their household. This helps prevent the spread of COVID and helps keep your family safe.

Enjoy The Outdoors

One common theme among the COVID pandemic safety advice is that outdoors is safer than indoors. The more time you can spend outside with fresh air and better ventilation, the better! Just be sure to continue social distancing from those outside your RV travel party. Besides, spending time outside is probably why you booked a camper vacation anyways!

Socially distanced activities in nature include:

  • Water sports such as kayaking, paddle boarding, and jet skiing.

  • Hiking

  • Mountain biking

  • Star gazing

Enjoy The Company Of Others

Part of the fun of RV travel is meeting and connecting with other travel enthusiasts. With a few precautions, you can still interact with others at the RV campground.

Start by ensuring everyone is masked (preferably double masked) and socially distanced. Then, let your creativity get to work! There are plenty of socially distanced activities you can enjoy.

For example, how about a traditional bonfire? Or catching up in your RV's "front lawn" with chairs spaced apart? Or watching a sunset or outdoor movie together? There are many ways to stay safe and still enjoy the social aspect of RV camping.

Some RV campgrounds will even host socially distanced events. They may do bingo over a livestream, deliver pre-packed arts and crafts sets to your RV, rent out pre-sanitized sports equipment, and so on.

Enjoy The Nearby City Or Town

If the RV campground is close to an exciting city or town, you may be able to go visit local gems. For example, many restaurants offer outdoor seating that is also socially distanced. It's a great way to experience a new urban place while still staying safe.

Want more travel advice? Looking to explore campers for sale? Whatever you need, you can find at Airstream of Utah. Reach out today or stop by our dealership in SLC, Utah. We also proudly serve those in Park City and Provo, Utah.